Readings at Parkside:
Kostas Anagnopoulos
The Parkside Lounge
317 East Houston Street
New York City
Sunday, June 11th, 5pm
Kostas Anagnopoulos was born and raised on the West Side of Chicago. His mother was a seamstress and his father was the editor of a Greek-American Leftist newspaper. He has published six chapbooks: Irritant, Daydream, Various Sex Acts, Some of My Reasons, Night Loop and What Works. His book titled Moving Blanket was published by Ugly Duckling Presse in 2010. Smoke Specs published Haiku this spring. For the last fifteen years, he has volunteered as an end-of-life doula for The Doula Program to Accompany and Comfort in New York City. He also volunteers at his local library in Rensselaerville, NY. Kostas splits his time between Jackson Heights with his husband and daughter and upstate where he sells antiques and other objects from his store Pidgin in Oak Hill. He enjoys walking and bicycling in his beloved New York City.

A cow appears in a cave
And later as a symbol in a coat of arms
The cow started the Great Chicago Fire
A toy cow protects Japanese children from polio
Cow has too much space between her eyes
Rub your forehead against hers
Then get out of the way
The deep look of a cow can bring you to your knees Different than the cow in the refrigerator
Or the one in the cave made by some Neolithic master In red and yellow ochre and hematite charcoal